Quick Start

0) After expanding the file LTKf90.tar.gz or LTKf90v2.tar.gz, go to the directories "FERMION", "GAUGE" or "HMC" according to your purpose.
1) Edit "Makefile" file.
FCC = f90 <--- Change for your compiler
MG = ../MODULE/g_module1.f <--- Choose g_module1 or g_module2
# g_module1.f : Wilson Action
# g_module2.f : Improved Action

2) ./paraset
Anser the question
3) Set the lattice size (NX,NY,NZ,NT) in ../INCLUDE/para_geometry
4) If this is a parallel calculation, edit ../INCLUDE/para.h according to your parallel environment.
5) make
6) ./a.out < input
mpirun -np XXX a.out < input
where XXX is the number of the processors.)