Structure of LTK

  1. Structure of the Directory

    • FERMIONwithColver
      Fermion part
    • GAUGE
      Quench update
    • HMCwithColver
      Hybrid Monte Carlo update
      a file to define Lattice size
      many general routines called from several routines
    • MODULE
      module files
    • OTHERS
      a program to calculate the juck-knife error


    In this directory there is a file "para_geometry", which includes a line
    parameter( NX=8, NY=8, NZ=8, NT=4 )
    This define your lattice size.

  3. GAUGE

    This directory is for the quench update. You can choose Wilson gauge action (Plaquette action) or 1x1+1x2 improved action. Currently the improved gauge action is set to be Iwasaki action.
    PARAMETER ( c0=3.648, c1=(-0.331) )
    You can chage these parameters in subroutine make_istaple1.
    Note that the subroutine make_istaple1 appears in update.f and meas1.f.
    When you execure "paraset" in this directory, it constructs
    Makefile, main.f, update.f, meas1.f, meas2.f and para_geometry in the directory INCLUDE. (Even if you wrote "para_geometry" before, it is overwritten here.)
    you chage Makefile as described in "Quick Start".

  4. FERMIONwithColver

    In this directory, you can calculate quark propagators, and as an example, pi meson propagators are also calculated.
    Fermion action here is the Wilson fermions with Clover term. You can perform a simulation without the clover term. This is controled in a file "input", which is read from the standard input:
    ./a.out < input

  5. HMCwithColver

    Hybrid Monte Carlo update


    Routines in this directory are called from several places. For example, initconf.f and saveconf.f are routines to read and write configurations, and they are used in GAUGE, FERMIONwithClover and HMCwithClover.


    Files in this directory include MODULE, which were introduced in Fortran90.

    Routines in this directory are called from several places.